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OpenOrganisations The Voice Point Game

Agile transformative Simulation of the Deming Cycle feasible in a remote environment by Anton Jessner and Birgit C. Krammer. if used, please name the authors.  

Play five iterations 

  1. Plan and estimation „points the team will achieve“ (1 Min)
  2. Simulaiton (2 Min)
  3. Note achieved points for each iteration


You receive one point if following rules are fulfilled:

  1. Talking during the simulation is not allowed, except counting
  2. Counting from 1 to number of persons + 3
  3. The first person has to count the last number
  4. Every person has to count once
  5. A person is not allowed to count more than 2 times
  6. Each person has to count at least once
  7. If an error occurs the first must restart with number one
  8. The team is responsible to take care of the rules
  9. There are no further rules


Debrief (15 Minutes)

Agile values

  1. What was helpful, what hindered?
  2. How achieved the team an increase?
  3. What were the strategies and which iteration was the best?
  4. What had happened if no improvements had discussed?
  5. Findings about Scrum values: Courage, Fokus, Openness, Respect, Commitment

Transformative values

  1. What about the team roles? Who was in charge?
  2. Who had the authority, so had the authority to make someone follow him/her?
  3. What about you personel? What was the criteria to follow others in their doing and in their influence doing things different?
  4. What would you adapt so that the Voice Point Game is more effective for you personal and for the team and for the result?
  5. How would you transfer the simulation results to your real life?

Velocity chart (example)

Debrief Results

1. ……………………………
2. ……………………………
3. ……………………………
4. ……………………………
5. ……………………………

The next level could be the integration
of the Agile-transformative Cycle

Questions about how to integrate the emerging future. This would be on a very individual level. If you are interested please ask OpenOrganisations …

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